AAIG of OA Mailing Lists

Below are a list of the mailing lists we have available to join.


This mailing list is used for Annapolis MD area OA news & announcements. Please note that only certain members of the group are allowed to send messages to the entire group to limit the potential for spam and unwanted messages. If you would like a messages to be sent to the group please send the announcement to contact@annapolisoa.org.

To Subscribe:
Send an email to aaig-news+subscribe@googlegroups.com with “subscribe” in the subject line.
Click Here To Subscribe


This mailing list is used for Annapolis MD area OA Intergroup. It is for anyone that would like to be kept updated on any of the OA business for the AAIG. Everyone that joins is able to send and receive messages to the entire group. Once subscribed you can send messages to the entire group by sending an email to aaig@googlegroups.com.

To Subscribe:
Send an email to aaig+subscribe@googlegroups.com with “subscribe” in the subject line.
Click Here To Subscribe